About Us

About Us

Gerhard Meng - Born in Germany, Gerhard moved to Canada at the age of five, returned to Germany a year later and has not stopped traveling since. Travel has been in the way of planes, boats, buses, autos, trains, trucks, motor scooter, and bicycles, as well as on foot, by horse, camel, elephant, tortoise, taxi, hydro-foil, pedi-cab, helicopter and funicular. To date Gerhard has been to Europe inumerable times and most years spends five to six months on the continent. He has also explored all other continents, except Antarctica (it's too cold), visiting more than 200 different countries in all. Since starting Gerhard's Odysseys in 1974, he has led tours to various destinations in Europe, and to China, Sri Lanka, Central America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Darlene is from the Pacific Northwest. She has been associated with Gerhard's Odysseys since the mid-80s, traveling with Gerhard throughout Europe, New Zealand, to Vietnam, Africa, and Australia. The epitome of cheerfulness and ever ready to give great tips on shopping, sightseeing, walking, and dining, Darlene is a fantastic accompaniment and positive force on all tours.

A regular on Gerhard’s Odysseys since the early 2000s, Tina’s work with Gerhard extends back to the 80s (and even includes a bike trip in the US). Way back when, an extended studies abroad experience in Vienna, Austria ignited her passion for travel and even fuelled a few transatlantic, transcontinental moves. Currently residing with her husband close to Lake Geneva in Switzerland, Tina has called numerous places home, including (but not limited to) San Francisco, Paris, Stockholm, and Princeton. She loves fine wine, food, art, history, reading, and culture and loves sharing those things with others.

Doris is our Switzerland specialist. As a member of the Association of Swiss Hiking Guides, she has a love of nature and unlimited energy.

Catherine is our local expert in the French Alsace region. She loves to share her knowledge with other people and in addition to her French and English skills, she also speaks fluent German and Chinese.

Daniel is our webmaster. He build our new website and manages its content.